ISEMI was founded in 1996 by an international team of academics and entrepreneurs to address the lack of a world-class, hands-on Entrepreneurship Education programs world wide. ISEMI aspires to become a world-leading Entrepreneurship Education Institution.
Our vision includes an applied, practice-based business education, a focus on innovation and new venture creation and management of innovation and change, and professors who, in addition to world class academic credentials, all have international, real life business experience.
Research shows that over one third of US households "...include someone who has started, or funded a new business" - and with reason! Increasingly, Entrepreneurship - the creation of value through innovation - is the engine that drives modern economies. New ventures, both in the business and non-for-profit sectors, as well as innovative new technologies, companies and ideas are today transforming how we live, work, produce, and consume. It is hard to imagine, but Facebook, one of the largest company in the world, did not exist 15 years ago.
One thing that we truly believe in is the ISEMI Spirit. We believe that bringing the real world into the classroom is the only way to learn. Thus, our students work on real-life projects, in a way that emulates the teamwork atmosphere of a start-up. We work in a spirit of cooperation and assist each other, as this is the way to succeed in real- life business ventures. We also "construct" our classes to give you the widest variety of individuals from different cultural backgrounds, age groups, industries, etc. to work with, both in the classroom and out of it.
Entrepreneurship and innovation in Israel
ISEMI is unique. Nowhere else can you find our particular mix of education, practice, networking, and business. Because we are unique, we are always looking for unique students. Do not be afraid if your formal education is not business related, or if you come from a completely different background.
If you are the kind of person who has a million ideas, if you are the kind of person who believes in yourself and wishes to do something exciting with your life, then ISEMI is for you, and you are for ISEMI. So come and join us the specialists in entrepreneurship and innovation, and do something different!
The ISEMI concept includes a multitude of courses, as well as seed funding and ongoing mentoring support. We assist our students in defining their strategy, polishing their business plan, and approaching the right VC fund for their purposes. All this follows the idea that our student's profit is our profit.
ISEMI is more than an educational institution; it is a business concept. We are an entrepreneurial incubator combined with a graduate program, giving our students the best of both worlds; the support they need in creating their venture, and the education and degree they need for their credentials. Our students receive our support even after they graduate!
Please download our presentation under this link.