isemi abroad
For the last two decades ISEMI has expanded its activities abroad. The highlightes of these activities are presented below.

ACMS (Albanian Center for Management Services) Conference on
"The Human side of Management"
Tirana, October 2009

Dr. Dov Yanai, President of Genesis Israel & Dr. Gazmend Haxhia, Co-Chairman of ACMS

Right to Left:
Dr. Gazmend Haxhia, Co-Chairman of ACMS, Dr. Yehuda Haimovich, Vice President of GENESIS Group, Israel & Prof. Liora Katzenstein, President of ISEMI Entrepreneurship College, Israel

Teaching at Austral Business school
Austral University Buenos Aires, Argentina
With Prof. of Entrepreneurship Silvia Carbonell, 27.01.2022


Prof. Gillin, The Australian Ambassador, Prof. Katzenstein,
Awarding MEI degrees to graduates
Yearly event between 1997-2007

Prof. Gillin, Prof. Katzenstein and PhD. Candidate Eyal Benjamin reviewing thesis draft
Prof. Low, Euchter, Katzenstein and Sassmanhausen,
AGSE conference, 2010, Gold Coast, Australia.

Teaching a class at AGSE, Swinburn University, Melbourne

With Entrepreneurs educator Colleagues at Adelaide University

Keynote speaker at the EU Conference on Women Entrepreneurship
Small & Medium Entrepreneurs Union
of the European People's Party
Brussels, April 2008

IntEnt (International Entrepreneurship) Conference, Sao Paulo, June 2006

Prof. Heinz Klandt (KfW Endowed Chair for Entrepreneurship at the European Business School, International University, Schloß Reichartshausen, Oestrich-Winkel Germany) recieving IntEnt award in Sao Paulo

Prof. Dr. Tales Andreassi, EAESP-FGV-Brazil, Chair of Conference

Seminar at the Technical University of Regensburg, June 2010
"Entrepreneurship & Innovation: Israel - The Start Up Nation"

VEND Consulting Group, Nuremberg, June 2010
Conference on "Social Networks in Business"

With Prof. Alex Brem, Co-Founder and Managing Director of VEND Consulting
Roundtables on Entrepreneurship Education (REE), Munich 2007

Left to Right: Dr. Rech, D. Lavsky, Prof. Katzenstein & Mr. Muller
Small REE Group meeting at Strascheg Center of Entrepreneurship, March 2011

Prof. Alistair Fee, Prof. of Innovation, Queen's University, Belfast Ireland

Teaching at the University of Regensnurg

Germany, Schwerin, 4 Sep 2015.
With the sentence "Lecture to members of parliament and mayors of the
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Federal State of Germany.


Cross Cultural Seminar for Kalaidos University Students
Hyberabad, May 2010.

Visit to Novartis, Hyberabad, May 2010


Israel Seminar in Tokyo for "Youth Exchange for Peace"
(Japan, Palestine, Israel) participants.
Tokyo, August 2009


Teaching Aspiring entrepreneurs at ALMATY
Business School, Almati, Kazakhstan, September 2015

Accel REE Asia - Entrepreneurship for Asia Conference
In Cooperation with KAIST Univ., Seoul, June 2007
Prof. Liora Katzenstein with Dr. Peter Russo (Strascheg Center of Entrepreneurship, Munich, Germany), Prof. Woon-Jun Kim (KAIST), and others
Conference Organizers: Prof. Tom Bayers & Prof. Tina Seelig (Stanford Univ.)
& Prof. Woon-Jun Kim (KAIST)

Accel REE (Roundtable on Entreprenreurship Education)
in cooperation with
The University of Oslo Business School
Oslo, September 2009
Left to Right: Prof. Alistair Fee, Queen's College, Belfast Ireland, Prof. Eoin O'Neill, Trinity College, Dublin & Prof. Liora Katzenstein, ISEMI Entrepreneurship College, Israel

17th IntEnt (International Entrepreneurship) Conference
in Cooperation with Gdansk University of Technology
Gdansk, July 2007

Left to Right:
Prof. Heinz Klandt (KfW Endowed Chair for Entrepreneurship at the European Business School, International University, Schloß Reichartshausen, Oestrich-Winkel Germany),
IntEnt President
Prof. Krzysztof Zieba, Gdansk Univ. of Technology, Conference Chair
Poznan Business School, May 2009
Conference on "Innovation in Management"

Poznan Business School, October 2009
Opening of academic year lecture:
"Things I wish I knew when I was 20"

Prof. Liora Katzenstein & Prof. Peter Odrakiewicz

27th CEEMAN Annual Conference
Wrocław, September 2019
Management Education for a Changing World

Prof. Liora Katzenstein ISEMI in Poland 9/2019
Prof Liora Katzenstein lecturing at the 4th Anniversary of BWFR (Businesses Women Forum Romania) MindSpace, Bucarest 22/5/2029


South Africa
Faculty meeting at Cape Town Business School, January 2015-01-27


Accel REE (Roundtable on Entreprenreurship Education) - European Entrepreneurship Conference
in cooperation with the Technical University of Catalonia
Barcelona, September 2007

Meeting with Prof. Julia Prats, Chair of Entrepreneurship Department, IESE Business School

TRANSMED 3, Organized by the EU (DG Enterprise & Industry)
on the "Relationships between the ESC's of the EU and the ESC's of Israel and Palestine"
Toledo, May 2009

Lecture on Cross Cultural Communication
Kalaidos University, Zurich, March 2010

Accel REE Asia - Entrepreneurship for Asia Conference
In Cooperation with the National Chengchi University (NCCU), Taipei, January 2011


Accel REE Asia - Entrepreneurship for Asia Conference
In Cooperation with CMMU University
Bangkok, June 2006


Panel discussion leader, Miami 2014
Lecture at the American University, Washington DC, March 2011"Israel - The Start Up Nation"

Right to Left:
Prof. Liora Katzenstein, President of ISEMI Entrepreneurship College, Israel, Prof. Richard Linowes, Kogod Prof. of International Business, American University, Washington D.C.
Seminar on Entrepreneurship as a Leverage for Peace in the Middle East
Ethics Conference, Bentely University, Boston, May 2010
Visit to RMIT University, Ho Chi Min City (Saigon) with Prof. Mathews Nkhoma, RMIT Business School.